Mix and match the veggies depending on what you have on hand. Photograph:
Colin Campbell for the Guardian
Colin Campbell for the Guardian
There is an excellent and rather funny article in the Guardian this week on organic pork. I nicked this picture from the article because I thought the salad looked so delicious and also because I love that it's main ingredient is left over roast pork.
Mr. Fearnley-Whittingstall takes to task people's perceptions of organic farming methods and gives some great recipes in this article. Mostly what I admire about him, the Guardian and the British press in general is that within an article which is ostensibly about what to do with roast pork you get a really intelligent discussion about farming and animal raising methods:
Given concerns about the possible long-term effects of agricultural antibiotics in our meat (not to mention chemical pesticide residues in fruit and veg), it's hardly surprising so many of us buy organic these days, though the argument over whether organic ingredients "taste better" or "are healthier" is so often poorly expressed (on both sides, to be fair). The issues for me are animal welfare (organic standards are the highest we have), chemical residues (almost nonexistent in organic produce) and the protection of our environment (land under organic, chemical-free cultivation is the only insurance we have against the polluting, soil-degrading effects of industrially produced agrochemicals).
This kind of journalism isn't something you find on this side of the pond, or at least not that I am aware of. Sure, there are articles by Michael Pollan talking about important issues and then there are articles with recipes, but rarely do the two meet.
For me it's important to constantly be looking at the relationship we have with our food. To be able to look our roast pork in the eyes and make the connection between it and the pig it came from.
It's thrilling to me that a link to the video below is in the same article with a recipe for: Slow-Cooked Aromatic Shoulder of Pork.
Mr. Fearnley-Whittingstall and the Guardian are to be congratulated; in the meantime we here Stateside continue to get our recipes and our politics divided.
Unless of course you read Urban Food Guy.
Mr. Fearnley-Whittingstall takes to task people's perceptions of organic farming methods and gives some great recipes in this article. Mostly what I admire about him, the Guardian and the British press in general is that within an article which is ostensibly about what to do with roast pork you get a really intelligent discussion about farming and animal raising methods:
Given concerns about the possible long-term effects of agricultural antibiotics in our meat (not to mention chemical pesticide residues in fruit and veg), it's hardly surprising so many of us buy organic these days, though the argument over whether organic ingredients "taste better" or "are healthier" is so often poorly expressed (on both sides, to be fair). The issues for me are animal welfare (organic standards are the highest we have), chemical residues (almost nonexistent in organic produce) and the protection of our environment (land under organic, chemical-free cultivation is the only insurance we have against the polluting, soil-degrading effects of industrially produced agrochemicals).
This kind of journalism isn't something you find on this side of the pond, or at least not that I am aware of. Sure, there are articles by Michael Pollan talking about important issues and then there are articles with recipes, but rarely do the two meet.
For me it's important to constantly be looking at the relationship we have with our food. To be able to look our roast pork in the eyes and make the connection between it and the pig it came from.
It's thrilling to me that a link to the video below is in the same article with a recipe for: Slow-Cooked Aromatic Shoulder of Pork.
Mr. Fearnley-Whittingstall and the Guardian are to be congratulated; in the meantime we here Stateside continue to get our recipes and our politics divided.
Unless of course you read Urban Food Guy.
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