Monday, January 23, 2012

Two Fat Ladies Stewed Red Cabbage to go with Christmas Goose

This seemed an appropriate follow up to my thoughts on Paula Dean her food and her recently revealed diabetes.  My friends and UFG readers Chris and Skip posted this on Facebook and I realized that I have never actually seen an episode of the Two Fat Ladies, not sure why it took me so long as they are truly amazing, so British, dry, smart and fun.  Jennifer who is stuffing the goose in the follow up episode sounds to me like a British Bette Davis.

I have a feeling in the coming months we will be seeing much more of these gals here!  Love them.

Oh and please, if you have thoughts on Paula Deen please scroll down and share them in the comments section after my essay about her.  I would love to get a conversation going and also I enjoying hearing from you.

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