Sunday, May 17, 2009

Harpers "findings"

We're big Harpers magazine fans around our house. At the end of each issue is a page of "findings" here are some from this months issue:

American children are smoking and snorting Smarties; doctors warned that such practices, by introducing sugar (er, corn syrup - me) into the warm, moist nasal environment, could cause bacterial infections.

The children of mothers with negative emotions were found to eat more junk food.

German children are less likely to become fat if they have access to water fountains.

Male chimpanzees who share their meat with females copulate with those females twice as often as when they decline to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the context of Findings, "sugar" should be understood as a chemical category (in this case, monosaccharides), and not as "cane sugar," the relevant idea being the provision of fuel to bacteria.

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