Friday, October 10, 2008

What's in a Foodies Fridge

The Sunday New York Times magazine (on line) had a wonderful array of food articles. The first one I looked at contained a series of videos of what was in the fridge of "foodies". It's interesting to me how the first two people in the list talked about juicing.

For the record I think juicing is a bad idea.

Why take something whole and reduce it to just its essential sugar? A carrot or an apple are, to my mind, way better for you when you eat them whole then if you eliminate all the fiber and just drink the juice. Also, when people drink juice they are usually drinking 6-8 ounces so they are just taking in the sugar of however many oranges or apples or carrots or whatever they are juicing to get that glass of sugar. And, yeah, OK, I understand that when you make veggie juice there are other minerals and vitamins you will get and I suppose you get more with juice because it's taken so much whole food to make one glass of this supposedly precious liquid. Do people who juice believe that if they were to eat a big salad, for example, that they wouldn't be getting enough nutrients from said salad?

It strikes me as a very rarefied, bourgeois idea of eating.

My mantra is Eat Whole Food.

Why make a salad into a beverage?
Why take an apple and eliminate it's crunch?

It makes no sense to me: you have to have all these ingredients to make yourself one glass of fluid that I would imagine isn't going to fill you up the same way as if you had eaten just a piece of fruit or a salad.

Anyway, that's my digression for today - it is still very interesting to watch and listen to what these passionate and committed foodies have to say.

And of course you need to read Michael Pollan's essay:

It's really exciting to me to see the conversation about food become main stream. To get the word out that eating well isn't something you have to be rich to do and that how and what we eat is important to all of us. That "eating well" as a phrase means something different now then it did twenty years ago. Eating well doesn't have anything to do with corporate food or convenience or microwaves or any of the other modern technologies that were suppose to make our lives easier.

Food is art and it takes time, patience and a little bit of love to make.

The same can't be said about a microwave TV dinner.

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