Monday, March 23, 2009

Caramel Chocolate Tart

Here is my video detailing changes I made in the tart recipe in my post "Monsanto for Dessert" (see two postings down).

The recipe calls for all purpose flour and confectioners sugar in the dough. I replaced the confectioners sugar with organic cane sugar that I made super fine by putting it in a food processor. Instead of the all purpose flour I used pastry flour to make up for the softness of the missing corn starch.

For the caramel I omitted the corn syrup altogether and replaced the white sugar with brown, adding an extra three tablespoons to make up for the missing corn syrup. The results were spectacular. The crust was soft, redolent of dark chocolate, and tasted like a chocolate cookie. The caramel had great texture, was easy to cut, and had a rich, thick caramel, candy flavor.

In the end it makes you wonder why these GM ingredients where in the recipe at all when it was easy to make it without them, with no detectable effect whatsoever on the end result.

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